Children Ministries Report


The department during the period under review organized some programs.
Churches were given GCs specially designed 28 fundamental beliefs for children dubbed “God Loves Me 28 ways. It is expected that before the child leaves the children ministries class he/she have learnt all our fundamental beliefs and understood why he/she is an Adventist the concept.
In March, the children took part in the Global Youth Day Celebration which was branded adopt
They also celebrate Children Sabbath on July 27.
Local Churches organized quizzes among the Children

The conference bought camp-meeting readings for the children ministries.

Youth camps.
Children in the department attended Youth camp-meetings in their respective districts and zones across the conference.

Future plans
The division is organizing a convention for children ministries leaders and I am pleading with church leaders to sponsor the children ministries leaders to attend this all-important program for the benefits will be plentiful.


  1. Poor attendance to meetings and workshops.
  2. Improper place of worship for the children.
  3. Little or no supervision of the activities of the children by church leadership
  4. Inadequate resource for the department.


  1. The department should be resourced with more Adventist literature for children and their leaders.
  2. Church leadership should sponsor children ministries leaders to attend more workshops, seminars and conventions to equip them with the requisite skill they need to bring these little ones to Christ.
  3. Church leadership should take keen in interest in the spiritual growth and development of our children.

I am indebted to God for his spiritual leading and guidance.
I am grateful to the leadership of the conference, pastors and all workers and local church leaders who in their diverse ways made this report a success.
I will be ingrate if I fail to recognize the selfless service of our children ministries leaders who have remained dedicated to call to nurture these little ones in spite of the challenges.
God bless you all.

Humbly submitted by
Children Ministries Director MICG
Mrs. Veronica Nkansah Sarpong